
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tina W. Female Factory Worker

Although my husband left for the army, I decided to leave for Ontario to look for work. I saw posters all around encouraging women like me to work. Here is an example of one!

Despite the fact that I was married, I was a still a young woman, with no children yet and this opened many opportunities for jobs. Because many men left for war, us women filled in the jobs left unoccupied by the men that left to serve the country. I was hired as a factory worker that produced aircraft, ammunition, weapons, and other goods needed for the war effort. Although the men originally with my job were paid more doing the same work, it was still a good pay in my eyes. Other friends of mine worked in machine shops, welding shops and manufacturing plants, also making equipment for the war. Here is a picture I have of me hard at work!

Some of friends, whom were stay-at-home wives and mothers also contributed towards the war efforts by knitting sweaters, scarves and other articles of clothing for the men overseas. Every woman conserved, saved and salvaged during the war. Fats, paper, metals, glass, rubber and bones were collected to recycle in the effort to make war supplies. My neighbor, Mary taught me that old clothes could be remade and that old oil could be used to make munitions. The war gave me an opportunity to have a job and taught me the importance of re-using materials.

- Beverly Grieg


Women at War said...

I understand why you joined, I was also encouraged. And I agree about having more opportunities, because I sure did. I thought it was a great experience.

-Kathleen Oonah Walker

Women at War said...

It is great to learn how to save materials during the war. Even this can help in your future, being able to save as much as you can. I'm sure you were very proud of yourself and your family and friends were proud of you because you look like you are happy with your job in that picture.

- Laura Thomson

Women at War said...

I'm glad to hear you joined. Our experiences towards the war effort were very similar. It changed my life drastically in a good way.

- Betty Wilson

Women at War said...

Even though you may not have been on the battlefields serving for our country, you sure contributed. The job seemed like it was a good experience for you as well. You look like you are enjoying your job in the picture!

-Elizabeth Walker

Women at War said...

Your contribution to the war effort is greatly appreciated. you have done a great job for Canada and you work will be congratulated.

- Bernadette Williams

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