
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Claire M (Woman’s Army Corp)

The biggest and most accomplished experience of my life was first founded for me on August 13, 1941. This was also the day the Canadian Woman’s Army Corp was put together. Me and all my friends thought it would be a great idea to free men from duty in the front lines by replacing them in more important roles that men are allowed to do. I was even the perfect candidate for the job because I had a minimum of grade eight education, I was aged 18 to 45, and I'm of British subject. Me only being nineteen at the time, had my family worrying if they should let me go to such a place where only men used to be allowed. My dear mother kept nagging me on how I'm going to regret it but I kept reassuring her that I will be safe. I also thought that this is my way of doing my part in the war.

Everywhere I would go in town there were signs promoting the Canadian Woman's Army Corp positions. I found that some were quite appealing to me and they made me really eager to start my new job!
As Canadian Woman Army Corps became more popular, billboards, handbills and advertisments were put up to promote these positions even more. More and more of my friends and their mothers were joining this corporation because it felt like the right thing to do at that time. I kept some advertisements which looked like this.

At the time, pay looked like it was pretty good! We woman received two thirds of what the men earned in such positions. I was excited to see which job I would be assigned and was secretly hoping for being a cook because I have tons and tons of experience with working in the kitchen with my mother as a young girl. I could also be assigned the job of a secretary, clerk, vehicle driver, canteen worker, or any other non-combat job. I had to keep my fingers crossed and told everyone to wish me luck because it was a very nerve racking thing helping out in the war!

- Betty Wilson


Women at War said...

If you didn't go you might have regret it and always wonder what could have been. I think it's good to take a chance and see what happens.

-Kathleen Oonah Walker

Women at War said...

It is good that you took this opportunity. I think it was great that you were so enthusiastic to help and do your part in the war.

- Laura Thomson

Women at War said...

I think it was a good thing you and your friends did. You show much enthusiasm which is what was needed. I'm glad you took the chance.

-Elizabeth Walker

Women at War said...

You will never regret what you have done. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. war is war no matter how you look at it.

- Bernadette Williams

Women at War said...

I'm glad you decided to join the Canadian Women's Army Corp and do your part in the war. Finally women are beginning to have the same rights as men. I also saw the posters around encouraging women to join the war but I decided to get a job in Toronto instead.

- Beverly Grieg

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